Bowes Road, Dagenham, Essex, RM8 2XJ
Newsletter - Friday 21st March 202521/03/2025, 4:30 PM

Dear parents,

Please find attached the newsletter for this week.

Kind regards

Mr Campling

Newsletter - Friday 7th March 202507/03/2025, 2:30 PM

Dear parents,

Attached is a copy of this week's newsletter. We have included many pictures from World Book Day and the STory Boxes. Thank you all for your help and time in preparing the costumes and boxes for what has been a great celebration of books and reading across the school.

Many thanks

Mr Campling

Newsletter - Friday 28th February 202528/02/2025, 1:00 PM

Good afternoon,

Please find attached our newsletter for this week, including information about an PTA event coming soon.

Have a restful weekend.

Mr Campling & School Office.

Newsletter - Friday 14th February 202514/02/2025, 2:58 PM

Please find attached a copy of this week's newsletter and stars of the week.

Have a wonderful, happy and safe half term.


Mr Campling & School Office

Newsletter - Friday 7th February 202507/02/2025, 4:41 PM


Please find attached a copy of this weeks Newsletter.

Have a lovely weekend.

The School Office

Weekly newsletters, 2024-2025

October 18th StarsOctober 18th Stars October 18th Stars
October 14th StarsOctober 14th Stars October 14th Stars
September 27th Stars etc.pdf .pdf
September 13th Stars etc.pdf .pdf
October 4th StarsOctober 4th Stars October 4th Stars
September 20th Stars etc.pdf .pdf